Chiropractic is a drug-free, non-surgical form of healthcare using manipulation of the spine and other joints to treat and prevent disease. Chiropractic philosophy is based on the fact that the nervous system controls all functions within the body. The distinguishing feature separating chiropractic from other healing arts is the emphasis on the spinal adjustment used to influence the nervous system. Adjustments are applied, by varying methods, to areas of restriction within the spine and pelvis known as subluxations. Subluxations are found where the spinal joints do not move properly or where the vertebrae are malpositioned. Disturbances of the nervous system produced by subluxations are often a primary or contributing cause and/or factor in many diseases; the spinal adjustment corrects subluxations and restores health.
Chiropractors often treat acute pain conditions for rehabilitative purposes. Low back pain is one of the most commonly treated conditions. However, doctors of chiropractic are trained to treat joints in the spine and the extremities. Many neuromusculoskeletal conditions in the arms, hands, legs and feet can benefit from chiropractic care. Conditions such as headaches, neck pain, radiculopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, hip pain, knee pain and plantar fasciitis can all be treated successfully by chiropractors. Most commercial insurance plans offer coverage for chiropractic services including Medicare and all Delaware Medicaid plans.
Delaware continues to be among the worst states regarding opioid prescription rates and opioid related overdose deaths. The CDC ranks Delaware first in the nation for high-dose and long-acting/extended-release opioid prescription rates. More than half of all opioid prescriptions are written for low back pain. Evidence suggests that chiropractic care is more effective, far less risky, and less costly than other forms of treatment for low back pain. The Delaware Chiropractic Society is committed to improving the opioid crisis in our state by educating at-risk patient populations and other healthcare professionals about the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic care.
Opioid Epidemic Research compiled by DCS member Dr. Scott Rosenthal.